Film Shooters Collective

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Shadows... The opposite of light? The result of light striking an object, or even the subject itself? You decide as I didn't state that in the call for work this week.  

As children, we are often very afraid of what we do not see, of what is in the dark, rather of what we think is in the shadows. I did wonder if we were going to see that reflected in anyone's work, yet of course, what might seem obviously harmless to one, might seem threatening and evil to another. It's all in the interpretation.

As adults and as photographers especially, we tend to look for the light falling on a subject. We want to see where the illumination is and I know I am always struck by that in a scene. Color is just reflected light at a particular wavelength (did I say "just"?) and adds a certain dynamic to any scene. After all we see in color, even with a knowledge of how black and white photography works our eyes and brain still "work" in color. In a normal environment shadows can be entirely black or they are shades from dark blue "down" to black, in other words, degrees (of subtly).

We had many images to choose from and so many different ways to interpret the theme. If you are not in this selection, don't feel left out, I'd have included everyone's work if I could. The standard of submissions was very high this week and choosing was very hard indeed. Thank you to everyone for submitting and I look forward to seeing more.


Every week the FSC features a Curated Photostream that is open to all.  You may only submit one (1) photo and it *must* be a jpeg file and no larger than 20 MB. Please title the file "Title_Camera_Film_YourName.jpg" so that we may properly credit you if your photo is selected.  

Next week will be curated by Ruby Berry and there is no theme. You can submit your photo here.  


Film photographer Brian RIchman is based in the USA.  You can see more of his work here.