Film Shooters Collective

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This month’s Polaroid Roundup was another no theme month. No theme really just means the photographers pick the theme instead of me, and I always enjoy seeing what you all choose. Fall just started here, and I was picking up on that a bit in this month’s submissions. Josip Sore’s Foggy Road especially has that fall feel, the wet foggy roady looks just like my afternoon walk today. Tom Simmermaker’s Loop looks like it could be a chilly fall cityscape, I would definitely want to be there in a cozy sweater with a hot cup of coffee in my hands. 

Hope some of these photos have you wrapping a blanket around you and reaching for something hot to drink.Thank you again for another wonderful group of submissions.


Every week the FSC features an article with a Curated Photostream that is open to all.  You may only submit one (1) photo and it *must* be a jpeg file and no larger than 20 MB. Please title the file "Title_Camera_Film_YourName.jpg" so that we may properly credit you if your photo is selected. Remember to check our Submit page to see all currently open photostreams. 

My next instant film curation is October 22. You may submit your image here

Next week will be curated by Ruby Berry and there is no theme. You may submit your image here


Abigail Crone is a Polaroid photographer from Pennsylvania. She’s almost always wandering down a city street or through a nearby forest with a camera hanging around her neck.  You can see more of her work here or follow her on Instagram.