Film Shooters Collective

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Spring 2021 Polaroid Week Roundup | Urizen Freaza

Dear FSC friends, this is Urizen Freaza,

Spring Polaroid Week was a looong time ago (3 o's at least), and as usual it takes me forever to write this. This time I have a good excuse, and for that purpose, here's a fact that no one other than me can be interested in: I've become a father. This thing that is happening to me right now, reminded me of what instant film was originally made for: to prove that one was there, that this and that thing, and that other thing, all of it, existed. A feeling, a sensation, something that is doomed to change. Or disappear. Even when everything is gone, polaroids remain and remind us how it was. Maybe they don't show us how it was exactly, but they remind us of it. Even if you can't remember it, even if you don't believe it happened. How can you deny a polaroid if it's there, between your fingers?

Here's a respectful and imperfect roundup of the photos submitted to Film Shooters Collective and the ones tagged as #fscpolaroid on instagram during Spring Roid Week 2021. Please go check the artist's profiles, and if you like what you see, follow them and show them love. And most importantly, check out the Polaroid Week pool on Flickr, on Twitter, and on Instagram .


Urizen Freaza was born in Tenerife in 1982 and is since 2010 based in Berlin. He's a self-taught photographer and film-maker. Self-taught meaning that this is a path he's still walking, while hoping there is always more path to walk. He's a member of the Film Shooters Collective and part of the team behind the analogueNOW! festival in Berlin. See more of his work on his website and on Instagram.