Erik Gould

My name is Erik Gould and I'm a photographer based in Rhode Island, USA. I have a day job as a museum photographer for the Rhode Island School of Design. At work I’m digital but for myself I shoot film and I make prints in the darkroom. I enjoy the challenge of "getting it right" on film and working within the parameters that film and paper set on the process. I also just love the time in the darkroom, developing film, making prints and looking over contact sheets. I’m sure I always will. I want my work to look photographic and for me that means analog, even if the final result ends up as a digital presentation.

The pictures included here are selected from ongoing recent work. All were shot on 120 Kodak TMY-2. See more film photography from Erik Gould on his website and find him on Twitter @ClickErik

Contributions from Erik: guide-4-29 review-my-life-in-half-frame-erik-gould-3-8 world-shoot-film-erik-gould-with-contributions-from-lucy-wainwright-brian-richman-kelly- shane-fuller-5-19